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Technical University Darmstadt teaches students “how to Startup”
In a course, students get an overview of theory and empirics of the evolution of markets as well as of economic aspects of enterprise foundations (entrepreneurship).
Moreover, the one week condensed course will offer a practical forum to support the foundation of an enterprise respectively a Web Startup. Students will get a feel for real life venture creation by going through the steps of taking an idea from inception to launch. In the experiential learning seminar, Mr. Maaravi will give a frontal lecture on the topic of the day at the beginning of each day of the workshop. Then the teams work on case studies that will have been read before class. Next, they present and discuss the findings relating to the topic for that day. The methodology discussed in lecture and the case study will be applied to the (IT) venture idea of the students.
Dr. Yossi Maaravi (IDC Herzliya, Israel); Adrian Engelbrecht, Prof. Dr. Peter Buxmann
More Info on Creating a Web Startup
More Info on Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya Israel
More Info on Synomic Software Ecosystem & Startup Research